Entries by purecbdstg

7 Surprising Facts About Sleep and CBD

Why is sleep important? Sleep is widely recognized as critical for the overall health and well-being of the physical body, as well as the mind, and psyche. That is why, when we don’t get enough sleep, our physical and mental capabilities may decline. Effects of poor sleep on the body include: Poor gut health Poor […]

10 Things You Might Not Know About CBD – Watch Out for Number 6!

What is CBD? Five years ago, many people had never heard of CBD. Now “CBD” is in everyone’s vocabulary, but what exactly is it?  CBD is a natural alternative often used to help with mood, discomfort, sleep, and so much more. Derived from the hemp plant, CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a molecule produced by […]

The Benefits and Science Concerning CBD

You’ve undoubtedly heard the hype and claims surrounding medical Cannabis or its components tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabis, more commonly known as hemp or marijuana, actually contains over 80 compounds called cannabinoids, but THC and CBD are the primary components and the most studied.  Cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, impact cells throughout your […]

Exceptional Pure CBD Formulas by Results RNA

Pure CBD by Results RNA Pure CBD was created by industry leader Results RNA to provide quality CBD at an exceptional price, making it more accessible than ever before. Results RNA is a biomedical research firm and supplement company headquartered in Orem, Utah founded by David Larson. Over 20 years of development and research behind […]

Kristin Pairs Resteva with CBD Isolate For a More Restful Sleep

A good night’s sleep is fundamental to good physical and mental health. The entire body relies on that time to rest and repair, so when Kristin started noticing that it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with her busy lifestyle, she turned to Results RNA’s Pure CBD Extra Strength paired with Resteva sleep formula […]

What Scientists (Not Salesmen) Say You Should Expect From CBD.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is all over the news and in new products ranging from chocolates to coffee, cosmetics and even bath products. It’s everywhere you look and, unfortunately, some over-enthusiastic advertisers have gotten ahead of the science. While some sales teams have jumped the gun, substantial scientific evidence supporting CBD use does exist. In this article […]

Kelli’s Experience with Topical CBD After Car Accident

Kelli endured a car accident that left her with significant health issues and considerable discomfort. After talking to her physician about her options, she began to search out products that could help with her discomfort. Most of what she tried didn’t seem to help at all. Then, she found Pure CBD Topical, “Since using this […]

5 Health Benefits of Pure CBD You Might Not Be Aware of

What is the difference between Isolate vs Broad Spectrum CBD? Are all created EQUALLY? CBD is an effective natural resource derived from the cannabis plant shown to provide significant health benefits. It was first discovered and extracted by Harvard University graduate Roger Adams in 1940. As research furthers our understanding of CBD oil, new health […]